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Skilled Candidates

Passage Co connects skilled talent with Australian businesses for sponsored employment opportunities which address the Australian skills shortages.

Employment Opportunities in Australia

Our goal is to make the hiring process as transparent and effortless as possible for both the employer and employee.

With Passage Co we play the matchmaker, matching the right person with the right job. Your skills, experience and culture fit will be assessed from the beginning to identify the best employer to suit you and who you are.

What We Do Differently

Your Passage to Success in the Australian Job Market

We are not just another relocation or recruitment company. We offer a solution for candidates to start a successful new life in Australia educating you on each step along the way. We provide visa and relocation assistance, guidance on upskilling, job matching and career growth opportunities with Australia companies. We are your trusted partner for a successful career in Australia.


Thoughtful solution

We will take of all parts of the employment process including job matching, employment legals, the visa process, relocation, onboarding, and an ongoing relationship with us so you have a community in Australia.


Job matching

We take time to carefully the right candidate for the right job. Job matching supports job satisfaction, career growth and long-term employment opportunities.


Career opportunities

When you register as a candidate, we will get to know you and your career goals. Knowing what you want will help us to put you forward for the best possible employment opportunities in Australia with companies that we have carefully selected as being in alignment with how we do things.


Reliable & Helpful

We know that moving countries might be a bit scary. We commit to being a reliable partner for you and making the journey as smooth as possible.

How it Works

Focused Industries & Top-Notch Resources
Passage Co offers awesome resources to specific industries. While we would love to serve all industries, we have decided to align with industries that we know best. This allows us to be in your world and provide tailored services to the industries we serve.
Mining & Resources
Health Care and NDIS
Information technology

Frequently asked questions

Other FAQs

What services does Passage Co provide to candidates?

Passage Co provides a thoughtful solution that takes care of all aspects of the employment process, including pre-employment screening, training, the legals and relocation assistance.

How does Passage Co ensure that candidates are fully prepared and equipped to succeed in their roles?

To build your candidate profile, we will make suggestions on upskilling, reskilling or registering in Australia and, we will give you guidance on all of the documents required to support you putting your best foot forward.

What are the benefits of choosing Passage Co for candidates looking for employment in Australia?

We have been working with workers from around the world for more than 10 years. After working with 1000s of foreign workers, we get the journey and know what you need to succeed. And, we work with some great Australian businesses that are looking for awesome talent just like you.

How does Passage Co help to ensure job satisfaction and career growth for candidates?

We are expert matchmakers. We know what Australian businesses want and we will speak with you about your future plans. In the matchmaking process, we will only place you where we think your plans and values, align with the businesses that we place you at.

What are some of the key features that make Passage Co a reliable service for candidates?

Never packed up and left your home country before? No problem. We have worked with lots of people that have made the journey you are about to make. We will do it together and give you some helpful tips along the way. Where to live, what to pack, where the pub is when you get here. The need-to-know things.